• 2022-06-03
    The hunter was trampled to death by .
  • a wild elephant


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      The hunter left snowwhite in the woods.

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      What does the hunter in “A Worn Path” drop?

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      Which of the following is true about the two pictures discussed at the very beginning ?? The first picture is about the death of Jesus and the second is about the death of Plato.|The first picture is about the death of Socrates and the second is about the death of Jesus.|The first picture is about the death of Jesus and the second is about the death of Socrates.|The first picture is about the death of Plato and the second is about the death of Jesus.

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      In which of the following death events autopsy is necessarily performed for investigation and settlement of the death-related issues ? () A: Death in traffic accident B: Death from poisoning C: Death in custody D: All above

    • 4

      What event is most responsible for Morrie’s need for physical and emotional love? A: the death of his wife B: the death of his mother C: the death of his father D: the death of his son