• 2022-06-11
    Larynx refers to voice box.
  • 正确


    • 0

      In the flow chart, it is ( ) that represents the judgment box. A: Rectangular box B: Diamond box C: Parallelogram box D: Oval box

    • 1

      The position of the larynx, or voice box, in the neck determines____,<br/>swallows, and vocalizes. A: an animal, how does one breathe B: how an animal breathes C: an anima breathes, how one D: how does an anima breathe

    • 2

      The core promoters of prokaryotes are - 35 box and - 10 Box.

    • 3

      下列代码中可以使控件Txt Box获得焦点的是( )。 A.set Txt Box. focus B.set Txt Box. focus=true C.Txt Box. Set Focus D.Txt Box. Set Focus=true

    • 4

      ---______ in that box? ---There are some knives in the box. A: What B: What's C: Where D: Where's