• 2022-06-11
    The spatial arrangement of atoms in a protein or any part of a protein is called its __________________.
    A: fold
    B: conformation
    C: configuration
    D: formation
  • B


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      The change of protein conformation is due to the breakage of molecular covalent bond.

    • 1

      β-turns in protein molecules belong to the protein's hierarchical structure? A: Primary structure B: Secondary structure C: Tertiary structure D: Side chain conformation

    • 2

      The protein localization is determined by its sorting signal that directs the protein to the organelle.

    • 3

      Although the atoms buried in the interior of a protein have no direct contact with the ligand, they provide an essential scaffold that gives the surface its contours and chemical properties.

    • 4

      Protein domain is a __________ part of a given protein sequence that has evolved a specific function.