• 2022-06-11
    A: On July 10, 1990.
    B: On June 10, 1990.
    C: On July 10, 1991.
  • B


    • 0

      How many people remember their dreams? [音频] A: 6 out of 10 people. B: 8 out of 10 people. C: 4 out of 10 people. D: 3 out of 10 people.

    • 1

      When was the Tunnel opened to the public A: In 1990. B: In 1991. C: In 1992. D: In 1993.

    • 2

      When was the Tunnel opened to the public A: 1990. B: 1991. C: 1992. D: 1993.

    • 3

      Conversation 2 Question 10​浏览器不支持音频​ A: Come to the train station. B: Buy a new briefcase. C: Go to the police station. D: Change her telephone number.

    • 4

      ● 话筒是向计算机提供 (10) 的设备。(10) A: 音频数字信号 B: 音频模拟信号 C: 采样信号 D: 音频数字信号和采样信号