• 2022-06-11
    The questions were so simple that he easliy passed the test.
  • elementary


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      He ______ the final exam, for he is so happy this evening. A) must pass C) could pass B) should have passed D) must have passed A: He ______ the final exam, for he is so happy this evening. B: must pass C: should have passed D: could pass E: must have passed

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      A few drivers ______passed the test.

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      Yon can drive your own car ______ you have passed the driving test. A: now that B: so that C: even if D: as if

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      You don"t believe in yourself. That"s why you failed your driving test. If you were more self-confident, I"m sure you ______. A: passed B: would have passed C: will pass D: have passed

    • 4

      32、You can drive your own car ________ you have passed the driving test. A: even if B: as if C: now that D: so that