• 2022-06-11
    A:_________ you_________ (speak) English last summer? B: No, I_________ . But I_________ (read) blogs in English, and I_________ (watch)English movies.
  • Did; speak; didn't; read; watched


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      A: How can I improve my _____ ?B: You can listen to English songs and watch English movies. A: reading B: pronunciation C: grammar

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      If I ________ English, I would read the paper to you.

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      Xiao Wang: Do you mind if I speak to you in English Mary: ().But why

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      If you want to learn English well, you should first learn to _______. A: love this language. B: read more books C: speak more sentences D: watch more movies

    • 4

      — Can you speak English?— ________. A: Yes, I can B: Yes, I do C: No, I don't D: No, I can