• 2021-04-14
    Why is there no cat in Chinese Animal Zodiac?_
  • Family cats came to China long after the animal zodiac came into being.


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      若Animal是Cat,Dog的父类,则下列选项中,正确的是() A: Animal animal = new Cat(); B: Cat cat = (Cat)new Animal(); C: Animal animal = new Dog(); D: Cat cat = (Cat)new Dog();

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      The difference between Western zodiac and the Chinese zodiac is that ( ).

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      Chinese people believe that the zodiac sign _________________?

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      (7-1)定义了Animal类、Cat类和Dog类,则()代码段是正确的。classAnimal{};classCatextendsAnimal{}classDogextendsAnimal{} A: Dog[] a = new Dog[5];a[0] = new Cat(); B: Animal a = new Animal[5];a[0] = new Animal(); C: Dog[]a = new Dog[5];a[0] = new Animal(); D: Cat[]a = new Cat[5];a[0] = new Cat();

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      (7-1)定义了Animal类、Cat类和Dog类,则代码段是正确的。 class Animal{ }; class Cat extends Animal{} class Dog extends Animal{}