• 2022-06-12
    People will eat many traditional foods EXCEPT _______ during the Sanyuesan Festival.
    A: tarocakes
    B: dogmeat
    C: lemonduck
    D: sticky rice
  • B


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      What would people do in the Lantern Festival? ( ) A: Eat yuan Xiao or rice dumlings B: Eat Double Ninth Gao C: Guess lantern riddles D: Eat zongzi

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      Choose the one that is wrong in grammar. During the famine in the old society, many people were reduced to eat grass and leaves. A: During the famine B: to C: eat D: grass

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      The Dragon Boat Festival is one of the t______(传统的) festivals in China. People usual]y eat rice dumplings on that day.

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      The Dragon Boat Festival is one of the t______(传统的)festivals in China. People usually eat rice dumplings Off that day.

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      ‌During _______________, people climb the mountains, wear dogwood, eat pastry and drink chrysanthemum wine.‌ A: Spring Festival B: Double Ninth Festival C: Mid-Autumn Day D: Dragon Boat Festival