• 2022-06-12
    There are rest rooms in the _________ of the plane.
  • front


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      21.I come to meet _____ plane. _____ plane has arrived at the airport now. A: a, A B: the, The C: an, The D: a, The

    • 1

      Where are ______ rest rooms They are on the second floor. A: women's B: womans C: women D: womens

    • 2

      The dip Angle of the blade is measured in () plane. A: cutting plane, ps B: the main point of orthogonal plane cutting edge selected Po C: Within pr of the base plane passing the selected point of the main<br/>cutting edge D: None of the above is correct

    • 3

      According to the text, why are test flights most dangerous() A: The plane may explode in the air. B: The pilot may lose control of the plane. C: The engines may be damaged. D: Too much air may get into the plane.

    • 4

      When James heard the crash of the plane, he felt it a pity that he had not been able to get on the plane. A: Right. B: Wrong. C: Doesn't say.