• 2021-04-14
    Who was one of the first scientists to record their findings of it?
  • John Aubrey


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      AIDS has become one of the first killers to human beings. Despite their lack of success so far, scientists have ________ in their research for a cure for AIDS.

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      The first one _____ stands up is a little boy. A: who B: that C: whom D: which

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      Who is the first historian to record and narrate historical events in the form of individual biographies A: Sima Qian B: Sima Xiangru C: Confucius D: Mencius

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      The first thing Jim did when he got off the train was to look for a porter. A: one who sells tickets B: taxicab C: one who carries luggage D: waiter

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      The first thing Jim did when he got off the train was to look for a porter.‎ A: one who sells tickets B: taxicab C: one who carries luggage D: waiter