• 2022-06-14
    An armed ______ group claimed responsibility for a suicide bombing, which killed 12 civilians .
    A: advanced
    B: mature
    C: militant
    D: polar
  • C


    • 0

      The students were ( ) according to their proficiency in English. A: stipulated B: segregated C: claimed D: advanced

    • 1

      Who claimed responsibility for the attack A: Nobody. B: Muslim militants. C: An Islamic organization. D: The Algerian government.

    • 2

      The group claims responsibility for _______, with the destruction estimated at _______. Since 1996, members of the group have claimed to have damaged or burned _______, _______, _______. They say their goal is to _______. They say their property attacks are aimed at _______. The Earth Liberation Front says it will use _______ to carry out its goals. But it says it is opposed to _______. Traditional environmental groups in the United States _______.

    • 3

      The Islamic State militant group has released a video _________________ to show nine of the gunmen who attacked Paris last November.

    • 4

      Orpheus is killed by a group of women. Who are they? ( ) A: The bridesmaids of Eurydice B: The Nereids C: Women in Thrace D: The Fates