• 2021-04-14
    Steady progress has been made _____ the biology and clinical consequences of HHV-6 infection whereas the effect of HHV-7 infection remains a neglected topic.
  • regarding


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      In the past five years, the infrastructure construction is booming. Major progress has been made in Inter-regional and intercontinental ______.

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      Truly progress has been made in a short period of time, which is the result of the hard work of everyone involved.

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      Eating medicine for a long time will definitely have ________. A: a side effect B: nausea C: drowsiness D: infection

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      What progress has been made in their negotiations A: Israeli troops can stay on in the West Bank. B: Israel has released thousands of prisoners. C: PLO and Israel have made a final agreement. D: Agreement has been reached on the future of Hebron.

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      Up to now, for information transmission, significant progress has been made in the construction of cross-border fiber optic cables between_______.