• 2022-06-12
    Saint Valentines Day did not start until after Valentines death
  • 内容

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      When is the Valentines day? A: January 14th B: February 14th C: March 14th

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      中国大学MOOC: Which festival is truly Chinas Valentines Day in ancient times? __________

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      What date is the Chinese Valentines’ Day?____ A: The seventh day of the seventh lunar month B: February the fourteenth C: The ninth day of the ninth lunar month D: The fifteenth day of the eighth lunar month

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      valentines A: Married B: Army C: Secretly D: Laws

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      我们学过的节日,你记得几个? A: The Spring festival B: The Valentines day C: The Moon Festival D: The Lantern Festival E: The Chongyang festival F: Easter