• 2022-06-12
    According to the different levels of warmth sensed by people through colors, colors can be divided into cool colors and warm colors. Which of the following colors can make people feel warm ( ).
    A: Red
    B: Pink
    C: Green
    D: Purple
  • A


    • 0

      Which of the following colors belong to cool colors A: Yellow, green. B: Blue, violet. C: Black, blue. D: Brown, white.

    • 1

      The main reason why air-conditioner indoor machines can have multiple colors is A: The difference in emissivity of different colors paints at room temperature is small B: The emissivity of different colors paints varies greatly at room temperature C: The absorptance of different colors paints to visible light is quite different at room temperature D: The difference in the absorptance of different colors paint to visible light at room temperature is small

    • 2

      When packaging gifts, use warm colors in China.

    • 3

      The three colors that cannot be made by mixing any other colors are called____ colors.

    • 4

      Reading 1Read the text and choose the best answer.Which of the following best expresses the main idea of this passage? A: Learning about colors can help us to express our ideas more clearly. B: Learning about colors can help us to control our desires. C: Leaning about colors can help us to understand ourselves and others. D: Learning about colors can help us to feel happier.