• 2022-06-12
    You can use the radio to transmit / operate a message.
    A: transmit
    B: operate
  • A


    • 0

      In addition, we operate our own advertising agency, and we can use the latest marketing procedures quite efficiently.

    • 1

      Which of the following statements are correct?( ) A: Agents and brokers can act as intermediaries to connect members of the marketing channel. B: Agents and brokers can operate on behalf of sellers. C: Agents and brokers can operate on behalf of both buyers and sellers. D: Agents and brokers can operate on behalf of buyers.

    • 2

      The related information can help you to operate the machine (efficient) ________. A: efficient B: effective C: efficiency D: efficiently

    • 3

      Multiple users can operate PBL Ulimited.

    • 4

      What following is not among the functions of SOLAS ships?() A: receive shore-to-ship distress alerting B: transmit ship-to-shore distress alerting C: receive message for public correspondence D: transmit and receive locating signal