• 2022-06-14
    The song is sung all over the country, _____ it the most popular song.
  • making


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      What kind of work song is sung as sailing a boat and catching fish? A: Project work song B: Wharf work song C: Fishing-boat work song D: Tea-picking work song

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      The English song Childhood is sung by Luo Dayou.( )

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      The song Let it Go is sung by Elsa and Anna in the movie. ( )

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      The structure of a song is the framework the song is built on. One of the most popular and well used formulas is the___________. A: verse-Chorus form B: verse-chorus-bridge form C: AABA D: AAA

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      This song is pretty easy______ A: to be sung B: to sing C: sing D: D. being sung