• 2021-04-14
    "be based on" = "be based upon".( )
  • 正确


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      中国大学MOOC:"The generalization of Chinese people as “polite and modest” in American society is based upon in-depth study of Chinese culture.";

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      The broad market segments of 'Baby Boomers', 'Generation X', 'Generation Y' and Generation Z' have been created primarily based upon ________.

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      Chinese Spring Festival celebrates the beginning of a new year based upon the traditional Chinese calendar and it is the most important holiday in Chinese culture.

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      中国大学MOOC: Select the best revised thesis statement based upon the original one.In this paper, I will explore the topic of gaming in education.

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      The two types of social e-commerce are , . A: based on social platforms such as forums and communities B: based on weak relationships C: based on WeChat and other self-media D: based on strong relationship