• 2021-04-14
    Beijing opera is a form of traditional Chinese theater that combines music, _________, mime, dance and _________
  • vocal performance  acrobatics


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      Which opera is considered the "Mother of Chinese opera"? A: Kunqu opera B: Qinqiang opera C: Beijing opera D: Sichuan opera

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      A typical traditional Chinese painting combines poetry, calligraphy, painting and seal carving.

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      Which of the following belong to intangible cultural heritage? A: the traditional oral literature and its language B: the traditional arts, calligraphy, music, dance, opera, folk vocal art forms rich in local flavor, and acrobatics C: the traditional craftsmanship, medicine and calendric system D: the traditional folklore such as etiquette and festival activities

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      Beijing Opera is a traditional art in China which was extremely popular in the Qing Dynasty.

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      What color of facial makeup does Guan Yu have in traditional Beijing opera?