• 2021-04-14
    The usage of chopsticks matches with the non-violent teachings of a famous philosopher---__________.
  • Confucius


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      Bertrand Russellis a famous philosopher, mathematician, historian,social activistand prophet whose influence cuts across the limits of time, space and race.

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      4. The famous Greek philosopher Heraclitus (赫拉克利特) put forward his famous notion of “panta rhei, meaning “everything changes” and gave a more famous philosophicalstatement:____ A: One cannot step into the same river once B: One cannot step into the same river twice. C: One can step into the same river twice.

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      【单选题】The brother of Henry James is ______________. A. William James, a noted philosopher and psychologist B. William James, a wealthy businessman C. Steven James, a noted psychologist D. Steven James, a famous literary writer

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      The more he drank,(). A: the more he became violent B: the more violent he became C: he became the more violent D: the more violent became he

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      对于下面问句回答正确的是: A: Non,iln’aimeparlerpasfrançais. B: Non,iln’aimepasparlefrançais. C: Non,ilAimeneparlerpasfrançais. D: Non,iln’aimepasparlerfrançais.