• 2022-06-15
    1) Translate the sentences into Chinese. She is getting the letters and parcels ready to be picked up here by a parcel service.
  • 她把信函和包裹准备好,等快递公司来取件。


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      中国大学MOOC: Please translate the sentence “Buckle up please, here we go. “Into Chinese.

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      Translate the following into Chinese. offer service to

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      Translate the following into Chinese. ‏ offer service to ‏‎‏

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      Translate the following sentences into Chinese. 1. As we grow up, our outlook on even the same thing changes over time.

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      1) Translate the sentences into Chinese. Under China’s regulations, foreign car manufacturers can only produce cars in China when the company is jointly owned and run by a Chinese company.