• 2022-06-15
    The Dai people worship ( ) most
    A: tree
    B: peacock
    C: water
    D: fire
  • C


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      ______is the Dai people’s New Year, as well as the most important traditional festival observed by the Dai people in Xishuangbanna and other places. A: The Water-Splashing Festival B: Horse Racing

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      _______ is the Dai people’s New Year, as well as the most important traditional festival observed by the Dai people in Xishuangbanna and other places. A: Nadam Fair B: The Water-Splashing Festival C: Corban Festival D: Kaizhai Festival

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      In most cities, people prefer to choose ( ) A: tap water B: bottled water

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      Which of the following belongs to the Dai people? A: Water Sprinkling Festival B: Nadam Fair C: Torch Festival D: Danu Festival

    • 4

      The ______ is the Dai people’s New Year, as well as the most important tradition festival observed by the Dai people in Xishuangbanna and other places. A: Torch Festival B: Third Month Fair C: Water-Splashing Festival D: Jumping Flower Festival