• 2022-06-09
    Which three elements can a job chain process involve?()
    A: A an event
    B: B a schedule
    C: C a program
    D: D another chain
    E: E a lightweight job
  • B,D,E


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      Which are various names of supply chain? () A: Value chain B: Demand chain C: Logistics<br/>network D: warehouses

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      Which of the following best describes an integrative supply chain process: A: A conglomeration of functions B: The coordination of critical components of a supply chain C: Something that links together independent parts D: A concept that identifies independent parts

    • 2

      Which can not be the title of a job ad? ______. ( ) A: Ad slogan B: Wanted C: A Job Advertisement D: E-mail

    • 3

      Supply chain software can be classified as either supply chain ________ systems or supply chain ________ systems.

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      Which of the following is the first phase in the design of a global supply chain network? A: Define a supply chain strategy. B: Define the regional facility configuration. C: Select desirable sites. D: Location choices. E: Implement supply chain strategy.