• 2022-06-10
    Which one is NOT true to this storm
    A: This storm took place earlier than before.
    B: Nearly hundreds of people died in the storm.
    C: The powerful wind could uproot trees.
    D: About three thousand homes were destroyed.
  • B


    • 0

      Three people were killed and several others were injured in the _____ storm last night. A: strong B: hard C: severe D: harsh

    • 1

      There was a storm ______ I had never experienced before? ( ) A: such as B: as which C: for such D: with which

    • 2

      There was such a storm ____ I had never experienced before.

    • 3

      There is no _______ definition of a storm but it must be noted that strong winds (unless storm force) or heavy rain alone do not constitute a storm. A: precise B: sound C: ealistic D: unique

    • 4

      Much of the city was ________ before the storm but thousands remained, many of whom were trapped by the water for days.