• 2022-06-10
    European Modernism lasted from the end of 19th century to ( ).
    A: the 1970s
    B: the breakout of WWII
    C: the breakout of WWI
    D: the 1960s
  • B,C


    • 0

      The world's first electronic computer was born in ____. A: 1940s B: 1950s C: 1960s D: 1970s

    • 1

      The song "My Generation"illustrates the younger generation's feeling in( ). A: 1950s B: 1980s C: 1970s D: 1960s

    • 2

      In the early 19th century,()appeared as a new trend of literature in America. A: naturalism B: realism C: romanticism D: modernism

    • 3

      Perhaps, at the end of the 19th century, the most popular popperformer and vocalist in America was Michael Jackson, who was an American singer, songwriter, record producer,dancer, actor, and philanthropist.That’s why he’s called the“King of Pop”_______

    • 4

      Which method in 19th century made a great influence on Taine’s theory?