• 2022-06-09
    14. Which of the following is Not an example of a chart/graph?
    A: Line chart
    B: Frequency distribution
    C: Bar graph
    D: Pie chart
  • B


    • 0

      The commonly used method of schedule preparation include ( ) A: bar chart B: flow chart C: single code network planning D: double code network planning E: horizontal line graph

    • 1

      This is a ___ of Apple Incorportation A: bar chart B: pie chart

    • 2

      The English for “柱状图” is ____ A: bar chart B: curve diagram C: pie chart D: table

    • 3


    • 4

      Legend is to map as () A: subtitle is to translation B: bar is to graph C: figure is to blueprint D: key is to chart E: footnote is to information