• 2022-06-09
    The Canterbury Tales was written by_____ .
    A: Geoffrey Chaucer
    B: Thomas Becket
    C: Palamon
    D: Griselda
  • A


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      “The Canterbury Tales” was written by _________.​‍​ A: Geoffery Chaucer B: William Shakespeare C: Francis Bacon D: Thomas Paine

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      The Canterbury Tales was written by A: Alfred the Great. B: Thomas Malory. C: Geoffrey Chaucer. D: D. Edmund Spencer.

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      The Canterbury Tales is the representative work of _________. A: Christopher Marlowe B: John Milton C: Geoffrey Chaucer D: Alexander Pope

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      The Canterbury Tales is the representative work of _________.(1.0分) A: Christopher Marlowe B: John Milton C: Geoffrey Chaucer D: Alexander Pope

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      The Canterbury Tales was written by ________. A: Geoffery Chaucer B: William Shakespeare C: Samuel Johnson D: Henry Fielding