• 2022-06-09
    Design one poster by youself!Tips:1.What is poster?A poster is placard usually displayed in a public place.2.The language feature of poster:readable, legible, well-organized, succinct3.The structure of a poster:sponsor, headline, place, time, other information4.How to write a perfect poster?There are two steps to write a poster.Step one: sort through the information.Step two: lay out the text.Now,it's a time to try your hand!
  • 请自选内容制作海报并上传


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      Choose the types of posters. A: Film Poster B: Cultural and Sports Poster C: Public Service Poster D: Commercial Poster

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      What are the two good points of Xiaoli’s poster?

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      中国大学MOOC: Which one is not the feature of a poster?

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      What are two popular approaches to making a poster?

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      Using a colored background to unify your poster will make your poster effective.