• 2021-04-14
    The bowl is not only a practical apparatus, but also ________ works of art.
  • exquisite


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      What does the author try to tell us in this passage A: The art of arts. B: The definition of modern art. C: The characteristics of modern art. D: How to distinguish modern art from earlier forms of art.

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      在中国,烹饪不仅被视为一种技能,而且也被视为一种艺术。 A: In China, cooking is regarded not only as a skill, but also as an art. B: In China, cooking is regarded not as a skill, but as an art. C: In China, cooking is regardedas a skill, but as an art. D: In China, cooking is regarded as a skill, but as an art.

    • 2

      The Theme of the sentence ‘And fine works of art are curated, preserved, and presented as valuable in themselves’ is _____. A: fine works of art B: and C: fine works D: and fine works

    • 3

      The King James Bible is not only considered to be the culmination of Bible translations but also one of the greatest literary works of all time

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      Which of the following statements about folk art is true A: Folk art is the product of professionals who have studied art. B: Decorating a wooden beam is folk art. C: Paintings on the walls of churches are usually considered folk art. D: People at a music concert are creator of folk art.