• 2022-06-10
    1.The English Revolution was sometimes called the ____ revolution.
  • Puritan


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      The Glorious Revolution is also called “the Revolution of 1688” and “the Bloodless Revolution”.

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      According to Harari, the three crucial development in human history are _________ Revolution, _________ Revolution, and ________ Revolution.

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      The English Civil War is also called ______. A: the Second Magna Carta B: the Glorious Revolution C: the Puritan Revolution D: the Long Parliament

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      The period of Revolution was _____.( ) A: the first triumph of the democratic system over the monarchist system. B: the main catalyst for the revolutionary democratic changes in England and the world. C: carried out under a religious cloak. D: sometimes called the Puritan Revolution.

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      The English Civil War is also called ___________ . A: the Revolutionary War B: the Puritan Revolution C: the Reformation D: the Renaissance