• 2021-04-14
    Q: When individuals or groups of individuals enter a new culture, what differences and chanlleges are they faced with? A: When individuals or groups of individuals enter a new culture, they are faced with a different set of _____________, different ____________________________, and a different _______________________________________________________________. In most (perhaps all) cases, such people are affected by their _________________________________________.
  • values  behavioral patterns  verbal and nonverbal communication system  new cultural surroundings


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      The values and behaviors of a particular culture may not be the values and behaviors of all the individuals within that culture.

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      Ableism is stereotyping of and discrimination against individuals or groups on the basis of their age.

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      According to social identity theory: A: We see each other either as individuals or as members of groups B: We see each other first as individuals, but increasingly as members of groups C: We see each other only as members of groups D: We see each other in some combination of group membership and as individuals

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      1. Today people are living in a_______________ world. Individuals from different parts of the world have closer contacts in various fields.

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      Cultural ______ refers to the culture differences in individuals and ethnic groups. A: pronunciation B: diversity C: feature D: characteristic