• 2021-04-14
    It was believed that his death _______ with the robbery of the bank downtown.
  • conformed


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      Socrates accepted the death penalty to show______. A: his belief in his students B: his contempt for conservatives C: his recognition of the legal system D: his fearlessness for death

    • 1

      The bank robbery suspect was last seen ______ a meal in the corner restaurant. A: to have B: having C: have D: was having

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      His death _________________ the whole world.

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      A week after he had written to his brother, Jackson began ______. A: telephoning the bank B: visiting the bank C: shouting at the clerks of the bank D: explaining his problem to the clerks of the bank

    • 4

      At first he denied having witnessed the of the bank, but later he admitted it. A: brood B: standpoint C: coverage D: robbery