• 2021-04-14
    What do the man's grandmother and the woman's aunt have in common( )
  • They are both too old to try anything new.


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      What’s the relationship between the man and the woman What’s the relationship between the man and the woman A: They are teacher and student. B: They are friends. C: They are mother and son.

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      What did the old woman’s daughter do The old woman’s daughter was .

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      F: It’s already a quarter to nine!M: Let’s hurry. The train will leave in half an hour. What will the man and woman do next() A: Have a rest. B: Hurry to the railway station. C: Go shopping.

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      What happened to the man and women A: The man’s clothes. B: The woman’s clothes. C: The weather.

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      What are they talking about A: The man’s job (工作,职责). B: The woman’s job. C: The woman’s teacher.