• 2022-06-14
    What was the result of the Tower of Babel?
    A: People
    began to speak different languages.
    B: People
    began to scatter around the world.
    C: God was
    offended by the huge tower.
    D: All of the above
  • D


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      According to the Bible story The tower of Babel ,at last people managed to finish the tower of Bable.

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      According to the Bible story , people speak different language before they started to build the tower of Babel.

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      According to the Bible story "The Tower of Babel", why was it easy for people to work together at the beginning?

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      The image of the Babel Tower can be found in the following arts: A: Paintings B: Novels C: Movies D: All of the above

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      Different cultures are groups of people who speak different languages.