• 2022-06-14
    Do we have your permission to make ____ on this?
    A: subscribe
    B: subscriptions
    C: substitutions
    D: substitute
  • C


    • 0

      There are many little things we can do to a difference for climate change. A: have B: take C: do D: make

    • 1

      You should _____ an apology to your teacher for being late. A: have B: do C: take D: make

    • 2

      If your price is reasonable, we shall _____ an order _______ you. A: place/with B: make/from C: have/with D: take/for

    • 3

      It’s OK. __________ your time—we’re not in a hurry. A: Have B: Take C: Do D: Give

    • 4

      If you have an open policy with your insurance company, we do not object _____________ covering insurance at your end.