• 2022-06-14
    A: have kept
    B: had kept
    C: have been keeping
    D: had been keeping
  • C


    • 0

      Only time will tell if we () A: had been succeeded B: have been success C: had been successful D: have been successful

    • 1

      I was very sleepy. I tried ______ my eyes open but I couldn't. A: keeping B: having kept C: to have kept D: to keep

    • 2

      这个小村子里大部分习俗都被保留下来,发展成了一种传统。 A: The majority of the customs in this little village has been kept and developed into a tradition. B: The majority of the customs in this little village have been kept and developed into a tradition. C: In this little village majority custom have been kept and developed into a tradition. D: In this little village the most custom have been kept and developed into a tradition.

    • 3

      __________ in my brother’s position, I would have hung up the phone in the middle of the conversation. A: had I have been B: Have I been C: Had I been D: If I have been

    • 4

      _____ for their help, I'd never have been able to succeed. A: Had it not B: If it were not C: Had it not been D: If we had not been