• 2022-06-14
    Free verse tends to use ______ diction.
    A: elevated
    B: formal
    C: invented
    D: conversational
  • D


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      For all written texts, formal diction is used.

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      Whitman’s innovations lie in the use of in his poetry. A: free verse B: everyday English C: powerful and sometimes unusual words D: the first person narrator “I”

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      Shakespeare’s plays are written in beautiful English language. He created ______ to express his characters. A: free verse B: blank verse C: regular verse D: short verse

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      ‏Shakespeare’s plays are written in the poetic form of ____.‎ A: free verse B: Blank verse C: Ballad D: Sonnet

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      _____ was a founding figure of American poetry, whose innovation first of all lies in his use of the free verse, poetry without a fixed beat or regular rhyme scheme.