• 2022-06-14
    The cause of the death of the goldfish was most probably()
    A: lack of care
    B: old age
    C: the small fish tank
    D: lack of water
  • A


    • 0

      The main cause of animal death caused by adrenalectomy is lack of A: norepinephrine B: adrenaline C: glucocorticoid D: glucocorticoids and aldosterone

    • 1

      _____ of what makes Death Valley a desert, but it isby no means devoid. A: Lacking B: Being lack C: Because of lack D: Lack

    • 2

      The word "scarcity" in the last paragraph may most probably mean(). A: lack B: mistake C: fun D: similarity

    • 3

      Janet thinks the main cause for this relationship breaking down is() A: lack of staff involvement. B: lack of communication. C: lack of positive decision-makin

    • 4

      The fish all died ____lack of water.