• 2022-06-12
    When experiencing heavy winds,you should reef sails to().
    A: bring the sails parallel to the wind
    B: reduce sail area exposed to the wind
    C: allow the sails to catch more wind
    D: remove all tension on the main and jib sheet
  • B


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      Can you the wind?

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      What's the connotation of "east wind" in English? A: wind that brings spring and warm B: wind that brings coldness C: wind that brings good luck D: wind that brings bad luck

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      The winds generated by the fire itself are a little slower than the wind of the surrounding area.

    • 3

      New advances in wind-turbine design enable turbines to operate at lower wind speeds to convert wind ________ electricity more efficiently.

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      How ______ it is today! A: much wind B: wind C: windy