• 2022-06-12
    The European discovery of the continent by Dutch explorers was in________.( ).
    A: 1708
    B: 1778 
    C: 1606
    D: 1678 
  • C


    • 0

      The revolution of medical imaging comes from ( ) A: Discovery of X-ray B: Discovery of X-ray C: Discovery of MRI D: The appearance of Radiography

    • 1

      The core of the European monetary system is( )。 A: European exchange rate mechanism B: European monetary unit C: European monetary fund D: European central bank

    • 2

      The core of the European monetary system is( ) A: European Currency Unit B: European central exchange rate system C: European Monetary Fund D: European Central Bank

    • 3

      第一台计算机诞生于 A: 1987 B: 1678 C: 1877

    • 4

      Do a dutch, Dutch courage, beat a Dutch 含有负面含义,是因为英国曾经和( )争霸世界。