• 2022-06-12
    As of today, the spot exchange rate is €1.00 = $1.60 and the rates of inflation expected to prevail for the next year in the U.S. is 2% and 3% in the euro zone. What is the one-year forward rate that should prevail? ( )
    A: €1.00 = $1.6157
    B: €1.6157 = $1.00
    C: €1.00 = $1.5845
    D: $1.00 × 1.03 = €1.60 × 1.02
  • C


    • 0

      A firm is expected to pay a dividend of $1.00 next year and the dividend is expected to grow at a constant rate of 4 percent over time. Some investors have required returns on investments in equity of 12 percent, some 10 percent, and some 8 percent. The market price of this firm’s stock will be slightly above _________.

    • 1

      -6.00/+5.00=() A: -11.00 B: -1.00 C: +1.00 D: +11.00

    • 2

      对合成氨用煤的全硫含量S[sub]t,d[/](三级)应满足下列要求() A: A≤0.50% B: B0.51%~1.00% C: C大于1.00%~1.50% D: D大于1.50%~1.60%

    • 3

      对合成氨用煤的全硫含量S[sub]t,d[/](二级)应满足下列要求() A: A≤0.50% B: B0.51%~1.00% C: C大于1.00%~1.50% D: D大于1.50%~1.60%

    • 4

      对合成氨用煤的全硫含量S[sub]t,d[/](一级)应满足下列要求() A: A≤0.50% B: B0.51%~1.00% C: C大于1.00%~1.50% D: D大于1.50%~1.60%