• 2022-06-12
    which one of the following is improper when having body contact with a patient?
    A: Patting him or her gently in the back when the patient is vomiting
    B: Helping the patient with limited physical mobility to get off he bed
    C: Putting hands on the patient’s waist
    D: Shaking hands with the patient when saying goodbye
  • C


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      Which of the following may be one of the doctor’s duties A: See to it that the patient gets well as soon as possible B: Make sure that the patient doesn' t enjoy himself too much C: Ask the patient to be cooperative in the treatment D: Perceive the patient as eager to get well

    • 1

      How to realize empathy? A: Stand in the patient’s place ,feeling his or her inner world B: Express understanding of the patient’s emotions and physical conditions C: Make sure that the patient can feel that the medics understand him or her and help the patient understand deeper into his or her inner experience D: All of the above

    • 2

      The examination begins when the nurse lays his/her eyes on the patient

    • 3

      【单选题】______, he had no intention of waiting for three good hours. A. Patient although he was B. As he was patient C. Patient as he was D. Since he was patient A. Patient although he was B. As he was patient C. Patient as he was D. Since he was patient

    • 4

      Which one of the following is improper for addressing a patient? A: Li Wei of Bed 5. B: Li Wei , No.10. C: Mr./Mrs. Li. D: Bed 5