• 2022-06-11
    Hardly _____ the building when it began to rain.
    A: I had entered
    B: had I entered
    C: did I enter
    D: I entered
  • B


    • 0

      What ___ she___ when I entered

    • 1

      When I entered the room, the problem .

    • 2

      Mr. Li _____ his lesson when I entered his office. A: was preparing B: had prepared C: prepared D: were preparing

    • 3

      ________________, I found all the seats were taken. A: To enter the classroom B: Entered the classroom C: Entering the classroom D: To be entered the classroom

    • 4

      ______ had I arrived home______ it began to rain. A: Hardly …than B: Scarcely… than C: No sooner …than D: No sooner…when