• 2022-06-12
    He is _______ trying to overcome his weakness.
    A: consciously
    B: conscientiously
    C: reluctantly
    D: deliberately
  • A


    • 0

      He struggled to overcome his ________(rational) fear of the dark.

    • 1

      The political weakness of these countries _________their economic weakness. A: compromised with B: competed with C: communicated to D: corresponded to

    • 2

      He was trying to the ball past his opponents

    • 3

      () that he accepted the job. A: It was very reluctant B: Very reluctantly was it C: It was very reluctantly D: It being very reluctantly

    • 4

      When you do something ( ), you do it accidentally or unintentionally. A: consciously B: deliberately C: unwittingly D: willfully