• 2022-06-12
    中国大学MOOC: The novel Oliver Twist ________.
  • exposes the grim and dark side of the life of early 19th-century London


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      3. Oliver Twist was the ( ) novel by Charles Dickens? A: first B: second C: third

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      The novel Oliver Twist is written by ______. A: Charles Dickens B: William Shakespeare C: Henry James D: Henry

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      The novel Oliver Twist was written by ______. A: Jane Austen B: John Keats C: Charles Dickens D: George Eliot

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      中国大学MOOC: Oliver Twist is believed to the most autobiographic one among Charles Dickens’ many literary works.

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      _________ is an English musical. The musical is based upon the novel Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens.( ) A: Oliver! B: My Fair Lady C: West Side Story D: The Sound of Music