• 2022-06-12
    Countries trade with each other because they are _______ and because of ______
    A: different, costs
    B: similar, scale economies
    C: different, scale economies
    D: similar, costs
  • C


    • 0

      Barries of Entry is ( ) A: charging different prices to different groups. B: a kind of state that no one could change. C: legal (patent), economies of scale, control of resources D: set by the industry organization

    • 1

      If two countries trade with each other on the condition of increasing costs, their trading triangles would not be equal.

    • 2

      Northern Ireland is different from the other three countries because _____.

    • 3

      Historians disagree with each other because they begin from different premises and view the past from different perspectives.

    • 4

      【单选题】Why do people in different countries like different sports? (6.0分) A. Because different sports originated in different countries. B. Because different countries call on their people to do different sports. C. Because different people enjoy different sports D. Both Aand C