• 2022-06-12
    The other expression of the Chongyang festival is
    A: The Moon Festival
    B: The Double Ninth Festival
    C: The Dragon Boat Festival
  • B


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      The Moon Festival can also be named _____. A: Middle Festival B: Mid-autumn Festival C: Dragon Boat Festival

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      The Dragon Boat Festival is also known as ___ A: the Double Fifth Festival B: the Double Six Festival

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      Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as Chinese __________, is a time for families to be together. A: Moon Festival B: Dragon Boat Festival C: Spring Festival D: Qingming Festival

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      A lot of Chinese festivals have a close relationship with the full moon, such as ______? ( ) A: The Lantern Festival B: Dragon Boat Festival C: The Blue Dragon Festival D: The Middle-Autumn Festival

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      Dragon Boat Festival also known as______. A: the Double Fifth Festival (五月节) B: the Lantern Festival