• 2022-06-12
    The professor said that ______.
  • the students could hand in their reports on Monday


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      Theres a kind of protection at work here, said Henry Giroux, a professor at Penn State University

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      李教授说那天晚上他有空参加我们班级的晚会。(汉译英) A: Professor Li say that he is available to attend the party of our class. B: Professor Li said that he was available to attend the party of our class. C: Professor Li said that he will available to attend the party of our class. D: Professor Li say that he will available to attend the party of our class.

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      The professor said that light ________ faster than sound. A: travels B: traveled C: travel D: traveling

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      Professor Wang said that was a very good ________ you'd just put forward. A: advice B: description C: suggestion D: information

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      6. I still remember laughing at my professor when he said it ________ (be) hard for me to come back if I dropped out from college.