• 2022-06-12
    I will translate this article. That will be difficult.
  • It will be difficult for me to translate this article.


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      According to the article, is it possible for the stock market to rise?() A: Not sure. B: It is not mentioned in the article. C: No. D: Yes.

    • 1

      Translate into Chinese the underlined sentences in the article. 1. Your friend is put on trial and you are called to testify.

    • 2

      An abstract should reflect correctly the objectives and contents of the article. Do not include information that does not appear in the body of the article in the abstract.

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      根据材料,判断正误 A good reader has fostered a habit of reading with a flexible reading rate from article to article.

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      Situational reference is most commonly denoted by the definite article, but in certain situations the same function can also be performed by zero article.