• 2022-06-15
    The Chartists refer to those _____ in the early Victorian Age.
    A: Romantic writers
    B: working class writers
    C: ealistic poets
    D: ourgeois writers
  • B


    • 0

      The Romantic Age is emphatically age of novel. Many young enthusiastic writers turned to poetry.

    • 1

      The Romantic Age is emphatically an age of poetry. Many young enthusiastic writers turned to poetry. (     )

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      The Romantic Age is emphatically age of novel. Many young enthusiastic writers turned to poetry. A: 正确 B: 错误

    • 3

      中国大学MOOC: _____ [writers full name] is regarded as the best essayist during the romantic age.

    • 4

      Most of the English writers in the 18th century were enlighteners. They fell into two groups, one is ______, and the other is ______. A: the passive Romantic poets; the active Romantic Poets B: the Metaphysical poets; the Cavalier poets C: the lakers; the sentimentalists D: the moderate group; the radical group