• 2022-06-14
    Dorothy decided to move out, ________.
    A: because she felt happy to leave the farm
    B: but she was not sure if she could adapt to a new life
    C: but she was worried that there was no place for her to go
    D: and she was sure that she could succeed in establishing a new life
  • D


    • 0

      Why did Munoz’s mother leave Colombia for New York? A: She was born in New York. B: Munoz’s father worked in New York. C: She was not used to the life in Colombia. D: She couldn’t support her family in Colombia.

    • 1

      中国大学MOOC: She decided that she would her life to scientific studies.

    • 2

      Ann felt so ( ) that she could hardly open her eyes. Ann felt so ( ) that she could hardly open her eyes.

    • 3

      How did Dorothy feel about herself at the beginning of the story? A: She felt she was capable and strong. B: She felt old and lonely. C: She felt she was a gloomy old lady. D: She felt she acted older than her years .

    • 4

      She worked hard at her task before she felt sure that the results would ____ her long effort.